Correspondence: P.O. Box 25, Minerva, N.Y. 12851 Website: www.nysnowmobiler.com
The Minerva Snow Travelers Club is dedicated to the enjoyment and promotion of safe snowmobiling in NYS and the preservation of a local trail system for locals and visitors to enjoy. A core group of volunteers meet monthly from Oct. – March to plan the repair, maintenance and grooming of the trail system. The equipment is stored in a shed at the Town Highway Dept. complex.
It cost $30 to join the Club. By joining the Club one reduces their NYS registration fee by $55, from $100 to $45 per snowmobile. Please visit https://membership.nysnowmobiler.com to join our club. The majority of your membership fee goes directly to the Minerva Snow Travelers to fund our operations.
Participation in Club activities is encouraged, but not required as a member. The Club organizes work days on Saturdays in Dec. to clear and sign trails in preparation for the season. The Club also hosts one or two “Learn to Ride” events in Jan. and/or Feb. In coordination with the Youth Programs Sleding Parties. Please visit the Facebook page for planned activities.
For specific questions, call David LaBar, 518-251-2694. Thank you for your support.
Recent trail work

Another successful workday on 12/05/20 improving our trail system. We completed a trail reroute at the 14th Road crossing. It was made possible by several landowners giving the club permission to cross their property. We are thankful for their generosity. Without them there is no trail system. We’d also would like to thank JR Pratt of Pratt Excavating for donating his time, equipment and wood chips that made today possible.
Recent trail work

More trail work happened 12/10/20. Rock and rut filled trail now smoothed and ready for snow. Thank you to Pratt excavation for the use of the excavator and to the land owners for the permission to improve our local trails. This section is from Sportys to Murphy Jones road.
Recent trail work

Today’s project (12/26/20) was to build a bridge over a persistently troublesome wet spot on the 8C Corridor trail. A great improvement made with all recycled used materials and volunteers labor. Now we are ready to have the snow come back
Trail side fundraiser

On Saturday February 27th our club held a trail side fundraiser. We had a wonderful turnout of riders and people in cars despite the not so great soggy riding weather. A huge thank you to all who attended and showed their generosity through donations. We would also like to thank all the volunteers who continue to show their dedication by contributing their time to make it all happen. Finally and most importantly, we would like to thank Diane and Steve Colletti at It’s About Thyme Farm. They were gracious enough to allow us the use of their newly constructed event barn to hold the event. They went over and above all expectations to provide the venue, food, drinks, atmosphere and live music. The importance of their role and what it means to our core group of club volunteers cannot be understated. Without them, none of this could have happened. With the contributions of all, the fundraiser was a success. We raised enough funds to cover a significant amount of the repairs needed on our primary groomer. Thank you to all!

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