Minerva Service Organization (MSO)


Minerva Service Organization, PO Box 922, Minerva, NY 12851


2023 Events

2021 Events


Since May 1999 the Minerva Service Organization (MSO) has been providing charitable, cultural, and educational services to enhance the quality of life in the Minerva community.

MSO continues to be involved in various projects, such as members serving on the Emergency Preparedness Committee, establishing a Courtney Park Memorial, and providing funds for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library for preschoolers. We support Minerva Day, town clean-up efforts, and the Backpack Program for school-age children. Two annual events that serve as fundraisers are an annual Garden Workshop and our October Pie Sale.

Past efforts have produced a Business Directory, the Bicentennial Quilt which now hangs in the Town Hall, and two smaller quilts that cover a wall in the Community center, and half of the cost of the Town Hall generator.
Residents 18 years and older are welcome members. Generally, we meet on the fourth Monday of each month, with the exception of August and December. As a member once remarked, “We have things to do!” Please seek out the MSO and add your talents to servicing our town.


Join the Minerva Service Organization!

President – Grace Collett

Vice President – Nancy L Shaw

Recording Secretary – Theresa Galusha

Corresponding Secretary – Heidi Kelly 

Treasurer – Sharon Aleksejczyk


Minerva Service Organization